Saturday, March 19, 2011

Going to give this a shot

 002 003 001004 005 006 007 So my Grandparents and my Mom both have green thumbs, and it’s never really been my thing. Lately I’ve become a little engrossed in the idea of gardening and growing things for some reason. So this morning Josh and I headed to Make-man to find some things to plant. I’ve identified all but one of them and I’m thinking it’s some sort of Japanese wisteria. We ended up with a pink and purple theme that started out unintentionally. Josh even got into it and picked out two of them! My favorite are the hydrangeas, and if I can keep them alive for a bit I have a feeling I will go back to get more. I’ve made myself a spreadsheet with their names, amount of sunlight, pruning habits, helpful plant food, and watering habits. Let’s hope I don’t have a brown thumb!! =]

1 comment:

  1. Talk about bright and cheerful...your flowers win the prize. Was it the strawberry plant that gave you "the fever"? The high humidity there will certainly be a plus for growing plants. Thanks for sharing your lovely blossoms with us.
    Luv U Gma & Gpa
