Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Ventures

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We decided to try and plant some veggies!! Most of the flowers I bought, aren’t looking so hot, so I wanted to try something else. Our broccoli and cauliflower have broken soil now and are looking pretty good!! Also our strawberries are doing pretty well. The plant our neighbor gave us isn’t fruiting as much as the other one I bought at Make-man to accompany it. Also a pretty picture of one of our new hibiscus bushes that our landlord put in. They all seem to be different colors, but I’m partial to the coral colored ones.


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Also wanted to mention that I got sick of the abundance of plastic grocery bags in our drawer and decided to go all fabric!! so now I keep this neat little pouch with me stuffed with fabric grocery bags. They sell them at the 100 Yen store here, so it was a pretty cheap and easy switch.

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There hasn’t been much going on here lately. Josh finally graduated Sgts. course yesterday so I’m (kinda) glad to have him home, joking. Very glad.