Friday, March 15, 2013

Getting active.

Since my last post was borderline disturbing, with ALL of that food, I thought I would make this post about my quest to get active this year. Also let me add in, No, we don’t have our flight date yet or know exactly when we’ll be home, when we know we’ll let you know! =D

Active, is just something I’ve never been. Sedentary crafter, yes, most of my life. I love to make things and learn to make things, but sadly neither of those require getting physical. This year I decided my New Year’s resolution would be to get active, and so I did. I, along with my best friend Emily, signed up for an 8 week bootcamp. Monday- Thursday 4:45-5:45 AM we were at the gym. I did end up missing a week because I pulled my lower back, but it had been a while so it was bound to happen. The bootcamp was a great start, and definitely brought out a level of confidence I haven’t seen…ever. I’ve started frequenting zumba classes and body sculpt with Josh. I go on walks or runs occasionally during the day or do some sort of workout at home. I feel SO much better and I can fit into tons of stuff I haven’t been able to for 3+ years. 

I felt a lot of shame being a spouse of someone who is so active, while being so overweight and inactive. It’s not that I expect us to always have similar interests or anything, but I never want to feel like I’m holding him back and I did. I saw pictures of myself and I looked like a stuffed sausage in my clothes, I was unhappy with the way I felt and I had gained a good bit of weight in a small amount of time. While I’ve been here I ended up on the scale looking at 199- 1 pound short of 200(I’m sure on a bad day I was over). That was quite a while ago now, slowly I’ve maintained my weight loss and at the end of bootcamp she told me I was 166. GOODBYE to those 33 pounds! Now sure, that’s still more than most of my friends weigh on a bad day, but that is some progress! I’m working on it everyday and trying to make better choices food wise, but let’s face it I’m still a carb junky =] It took a lot less time to put these pounds on than it is taking me to shed them but I know every squat, every push-up is worth it.

I know a lot of my friends understand where I’m coming from or can relate. I always just told myself I was going to be a big girl, and nothing was going to change that. I just never realized how steadily the scale was rising. We all have our breaking point where we decide that it’s time. I hope that if any of my friends(or family) feel like they’re struggling or they need motivation that they can always talk to me. I still have bad days where I want to eat a whole bag of sour cream and onion chips and not move from the couch, but I don’t let that happen. I hear/see a lot of excuses from people. I don’t have time to work out, yet your on facebook for half of the day. You don’t have the energy, you would, if you got off the couch. It bothers me, I would rather someone just say “I don’t want to workout” and own up to it. Sometimes you’re just not ready, and don’t be afraid to say it out loud. But just know that the longer you wait, the harder it will be. I believe in me now, and I believe in all of you too!

You are good enough.

You CAN run.


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