Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quiet time

Sorry about the lack of updates but things have been pretty slow around here. I’m super excited that it’s October now, I was able to dig my halloween decorations out! I have some pictures to share, but not a whole lot! Our adventures have slowed down quite a bit recently. This weekend we are supposed to be going to rocktoberfest and to the tug of war event in Naha! I can’t wait! Here are a few of the things we have done recently:

Spent a day out at Nitori and the Jusco/Aeon. Josh with his KitKats he won, a pocky crane game, and icecream crane game, and the baked goods we got in Jusco. Sad to say we felt they were all pretty mediocre.

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Went to Fosterfest and played silly carnival games and ate junk food. That’s me with Scruff McGruff and the DARE Lion =D Never too old for fun!


Josh and Lily cuddling together on the couch. heh! We finally visited the feet eating fishys at Dr. Fish! For only 500 Yen for 5 minutes you can have the fish nibble your feet. I would say this is a must, atleast to try once! It was tickling Josh so bad he could barely keep his feet in the water! 


And here is the video! Enjoy!

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