Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A new space

So aside from quickly killing my flowers, I’ve been rather busy babysitting. I made almost $300 for my three days and am glad I won’t have to see 5:50 am anytime soon. For some reason when I keep really busy I get home and yearn to be productive. I’m redecorating the ‘toilet room’, it’s a little boring and feels like you’re stuck in the back of a warehouse. Even though I really enjoy the industrial minimalist feel of the house there are a few things that are bugging me. The ‘toilet room’(only referring to it that way because there is no bath present) has no storage for things that could be rather useful to store in there. It would be rather handy to keep extra toilet paper, toilet cleaner, and maybe a few unmentionables at close reach. I decided that I would make a curtain type thing to velcro underneath the sink to use the space. I’m giving it a shot, and I also thought I would trim a hand towel in matching fabric here are a few starter shots of my project. This is not yet finished, but hopefully it will be all done by tomorrow *fingers crossed*. Side note: the fabric is Clematis by Amy Butler, she’s the reason I decided to start sewing. Such gorgeous fabrics and patterns, hopefully I put them to good use!


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If you made it this far you’re probably wondering about my dying flowers. I am too honestly. My hydrangea wilted on day two(no, not dead, but not gorgeous anymore either), I’m assuming from too much direct sunlight. I thought I had it in a nice shady place, I suppose I was mistaken. A few of my others aren’t doing so hot either. Today was a rather gloomy rainy day and I’m afraid it did nothing for my flowers at all. I hope they don’t have root rot, I have a tendency to over water. Also, our neighbor told us we are getting hibiscus bushes along our other fence! I’m pretty excited about it, hope we can keep our yard in good shape for now! I know a few of you are excellent with plants, any tips other than not overwatering and abiding by the info on sunlight exposure? How’s about plant food? Help a clueless woman out.

1 comment:

  1. Don't be to upset about your flowers...I remember going through that, too. Just taking the plants home sorta stresses them. Usually full shade for a couple of days helps them to adjust. Wait a couple of week before repotting after bringing them home. Chances are they just dried out in the warm sun; it doesn't take long. When I checked a tomato plant Gpa had in his plant nursery yesterday...instead of being 10 inches tall the top had drooped over and was almost touching the ground. I watered it once and put it in full shade. It soon straighted back up and looked good as new. A few hours later it needed water again. But then overwatering is a problem and is what most people do when they get new plants. Most plants should dry out well before watering. It just takes practice. Usually they need water about every two weeks...unless they are in very small pots. Hopefully by now your plants have improved and all this advice will be useless.
    I can hardly wait to see your toilet room when you finish decorating. Looks as if there is room for improvement. Luv U Both...Gma
